Legal guarantees of compliance with the legal interests of the minors in the Russian Federation

  • Kholkhunova E.V.

    E.V. Kholkhunova Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article is devoted to the observance of the legal interests of minors in the Russian Federation, as well as an analysis of the legislative features of the regulation of the protection of the rights of minors. Providing guarantees of the rights of minors is in fact one
of the purposes of the legislation of the Russian Federation and international legal acts. Legal guarantees imply a set of rules, legal rights belonging to a person. Legal guarantees exist to balance the powers of the state and the law of the country, which in turn en-
sures the protection of individuals from the authorities. Violation of legal guarantees is contrary to the rule of law if the state causes damage to a person and this is not followed by due process of law. Minors are one of the most vulnerable categories and need spe-
cial protection from government bodies. International law and the legislation of the Russian Federation sets out a list of laws and regulations governing child safety. At present, Russian legislation stipulates that the interests of minors are ensured by their legal rep-
resentatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees), but there are cases when children need to be protected from themselves. To implement the constitutional rights of minor citizens, the state has created functional structures that exercise their powers
in the field of protecting the rights of the child, such structures include: the prosecutor's office, ministries, internal affairs bodies, commissions for minors, guardianship and trusteeship bodies and other bodies. For a successful study of the topic, the basic concepts
and characteristic legal features of legitimate interests used in this article are considered.

Keywords: legal guarantees, minors, legal interests, protection of the rights of minors, constitutional rights of minors, the effectiveness of the implementation of children's rights, legal representatives.